Corporate Governance
• Invest in a Prosperous Future
Since its inception, the Saudi Paper Manufacturing Company has been keen on the necessity of adhering to the application of sound corporate governance rules in order to establish a balanced structure based on effective and wise management to ensure the achievement of the company’s objectives that are in the interest of the shareholders and stakeholders associated with the company. The Board of Directors has adhered to the principles of governance, which included the application of best practices that would contribute to promoting the growth, success and development of the company’s business and activities, Here, the importance of adhering to the principles and concepts of governance and the importance of adopting them in a manner that ensures transparency, responsibility and integrity in an appropriate manner in accordance with the requirements of the applicable regulations in line with the new corporate law and the instructions of the Capital Markets Authority related to corporate governance rules. From this point of view, the Corporate Governance Regulations included many requirements to reflect the implementation of effective corporate governance.
The Saudi Paper Manufacturing Company is a Saudi joint stock company that has been listed on the Saudi stock market since 2006. The number of the company’s issued shares is 45 million shares, and the paid-in capital is 337 million Saudi riyals. At Saudi Paper Manufacturing Company, we always strive to serve our shareholders, increase their share of stock, and help them grow with us.
• Best Company Value Through Business
• We are also working to provide the latest investment news for you and all our investors as one of the advantages and services provided by us, and be sure that there is more than one reason that will push you to be one of the investors in the Saudi Paper Manufacturing Company:
– The company has successive growth, and is one of the largest growth returns in the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul).

Mr. Yousseri bin abdul hamid el bishry
Team that Build Ideas Driven by the Future

Mr. Abdul Rahman bin Raed Al Mishaal
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mr. Mohammad Homoud Al Sabhan
Member of the Board of Directors

Mr. Bashar Bin Abdulaziz Aba Al-Khail
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Dr. Mansour Abdullah Al Mansour
Member of the Board of Directors

Mr. Saud Mohammed
Al Ammari
Member of the Board of Directors

Mr. Abdul Aziz bin Raed Al Mishaal
Member of the Board of Directors

Mr. Saad Mohammed
Al Ammari
Member of the Board of Directors
Audit Committee

Mr. Bashar bin Abdulaziz Aba Al-Khail
Chairman of the Audit Committee

Dr. Saleh bin Hamad Al-Shanifi
Member of the Audit Committee

Dr. Walid bin Mohammed Al Bassam
Member of the Audit Committee
Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Dr. Mansour Abdullah Al Mansour
Chairman of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee

Mr. Abdul Rahman bin Raed Al Mishaal
Member of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee

Mr. Saud Mohammed
Al Ammari
Member of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee
Executive Committee

Chairman of the Executive Committee

Member of the Executive Committee

Member of the Executive Committee

Mr. Yousseri bin abdul hamid el bishry
Group Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Ehab Al-Askalani
Group Sales & Marketing Director

Mr. Abdulaziz bin Raed Al-Mishal
Assistant CEO of the Group

Mr. Khalid bin Walid Abu Hana
Group Chief Financial Officer


Mr. Mohamed Abdel Ghaffar Darwish
Group Operations Director

Company Bylaws
Contact information with the Investor Relations Department :